On 10/17/06, canen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

is a good article on adding full-text search to django using mysql. A
search api branch of django can also be found here

I hope that helps.

If you want use the search api, is better to use the XapianBackend, but you need to apply the ticket http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/2707 (patch4.diff)

I'm using it to search across 1'000'000+ documents

On Oct 17, 9:58 am, Eric Walstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> Hi Enquest,Enquest wrote:
> > How hard is it to set up a search engine with Django?Easy!  Just search the model documentation for 'search_fields'.  That
> is, the admin interface has this feature built in, you just need to tell
> it which fields you want searched.
> > In PHP I used to explode, implode all words of an insert, update. Each
> > word I would put in to a table words and an other tabel that referred to
> > the words and id of where it came. You know the drill.I do something similar with the mine but I use my table data to create
> 'documents' (in memory) that are indexed by the Xapian indexing engine.
>   This resulted in searches that are many orders of magnitude faster
> than searching the db table directly (postgres, 8M recs).
> > In my own little failed framework in php I used to add in the model view
> > =>search ... My system would then know this field needs to be
> > search-able.
> > How hard would it be to set something similar in Django.Easy ;)
> > PS. is there any tutorial or plugin for this task to make it more easy
> > to adept?I suggest trying Django's built-in "search engine" first as it's a snap
> to setup and test.  See the second page of the Django tutorial.  If it's
> not fast or flexible enough for you, then have a look at some of the
> full-text search engines available.  If you are using MySQL, it has one
> built-in, I've heard.  I've read that others here have had success with
> "Swish-e" but I found, and it states this on its website, that the
> indexer really slows down after a couple million documents.  I chose
> Xapian because the indexing my 8M records was accomplished in a
> reasonable amount of time and the search engine is really quite fast;
> that and because it has Python bindings.
> Search the mailing list archives for more on this subject as it's been
> discussed here before.
> Best,
> Eric.

SDM Underlinux
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