On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 5:06 PM, martin f krafft <madd...@madduck.net>

> also sprach Russell Keith-Magee <russ...@keith-magee.com> [2014-11-24
> 07:16 +0100]:
> > The right place is in the view.
> […]
> > If you want to do "interesting" things like retrieve a specific
> > file version, you're not going to be able to use the storage API,
> > because most raw
> Interesting perspective you have there, which I can follow very
> well. Thanks!
> But let me dig a bit further, nevertheless:
> > The storage layer is an abstraction to enable reusable apps. If
> > I write a "user profile" app that needs to store an avatar, then
> > I don't care where that avatar comes from, as long as it's
> > available. It could be on a local filesystem; it could be on
> > a cloud file store (like S3). The storage API lets me do that.
> It could come from Git! After all, Git is really a database by
> itself, just like the filesystem could be viewed as a database. So
> somewhere in my idealist brain there's this theory that I could just
> add a Git-storage-plugin to the storage layer and that would cause
> content to be fetched from Git auto-magically if the
> request-for-data by the view (not the HTTP request) matches certain
> criteria and those data are available in Git. If not, then the
> lookup goes to the next storage plugin.
> So my view might call some sort of lookup() function, e.g.
>   lookup_description(event_id)
> which just returns a string. Ordinarily, this string comes from
> pgsql at the moment. What I'd like to see is a way to override this
> function so that instead the data are fetched from
>   git.example.org/myrepo.git, branch=live, file=events/$event_id
> Obviously, I could just as well call the Git-specific stuff straight
> from the view, but that would inevitably tie the view to Git. Maybe
> this is what I want, I am just trying to explain how I approached
> this and what led me to ask the question the way I did.

Perhaps I wasn't clear. Of course an avatar could come from a git store. My
point is that it's not a natural mapping. A file system is a mapping
between a path name and a binary blob. Git has an additional layer - the
path name, *plus* a historical version (referenced either by a hash, or a
date). And you can't arbitrarily write to any point in a Git tree. Ok...
you can if you're willing to have orphan nodes, but if you're thinking
about version control in the traditional sense, a git repository can only
be written to the "end" of history, but read from any point in it's history.

You might be able to write a mapping to Storage that did some sort of
naming trick (e.g., split off a colon at the end of a filename for read, so
you could request "/my/file.txt:deadbeef" to request the "deadbeaf" hash of
/my/file.txt") - but my point is that the storage API doesn't contain a
*natural* endpoint for version information.

And, even if you did this, what you're going to get is a view of your Git
repository that tries *really* hard to make it look like just a normal file
system. All the interesting features will, by necessity of the interface,
be buried. If you actually want to do anything interesting based on the
fact that you're using a git store under the hood, you're better served
working closer to the metal.

> If you're just looking to read the *current* value in a git
> > repository, then just use normal filesystem storage over a normal
> > git checkout.
> Yeah, this might well be the best option, also in terms of
> performance, unless I want to keep track of blob hashes to avoid
> doing the whole branch→tree→blob lookup every time, which the
> filesystem "caches" for me.
> Do you know of a simple example that fetches data from the
> filesystem? I am being lazy here as I am sure there's plenty, so
> feel free to RTFM me! ;) However, maybe you know a very good example
> that makes everything so clear and then I'd really appreciate this
> over wading through the various means. I know Django has provisions
> for serving static files, but somehow it seems like that's not what
> I want… (since the files are not actually static and a given path
> could return different data on subsequent calls)
> A simple example that fetches data from the filesystem? Sure:

def myview(request):
    with open('filename.txt') as datafile:
        data = datafile.read()
    return render(request, 'my template.html', {'data': data})

You're possibly getting lost by thinking that this is a "Django" thing - it
isn't. Basic Python is always an option.

Furthermore, I'd actually like to post-process the data. The Git
> repo would contain reStructuredText files and I'd like to render
> them before filling the result into template slots.
> This makes me think that there ought to be a cache involved at this
> level. Sure, I could make a simple expiration-based cache, but I'd
> really rather make the cache depend on the mtime of the underlying
> source file on the filesystem (but include the post-processing step
> in between)

Sure - so you can cache the result of the ReST rendering call. The result
of any function call can be passed to Django's cache primitives, or the {%
cache %} template tag can be used to do this at the template level.
However, if you want to do this based on mtime - there are a bunch of
things you can do with NginX and/or varnish to do *response* level caching;
if you exploit the HTTP Last-Modified header and/or Etags:


you can get your browser and webserver to do the caching for you.

> Have you seen something like this done? Is this also still best done
> in a view?

Well... yes, I've seen this done before. It's called GitHub :-)

Russ Magee %-)

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