On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 6:03 PM, Me Sulphur <mesulp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Stack: Django 1.7 + Postgres 9.3 + Linux (No caching)
> Our application has a view which is called/executed very frequently. The
> view receives, parses and responds a JSON.
> In between request and response, there are about 3-5 inserts and around
> 1200-5000 look ups depending upon some if..else business logic. At around
> 2-4 seconds the view is very slow.
> However, a lot of the look ups (which are the bottlenecks) can be
> parallelized. But I do not know how can I do the same within a
> request-response cycle.
> If it was a web UI, I could use celery+polling, since it a machine-machine
> API call, the parallelisation has to be possible within a View's life cycle.
> If parallelisation is not possible, what alternatives do I have for
> scaling and reducing response time.
> The short answer is "it depends".

There isn't a single answer - everything will depend on the specifics of
your problem space. All I can offer is some vague suggestions of places you
might be able to look for some extra speed.

 * Do you *really* need to do 1200-5000 lookups? It's faster to do 1 query
returning 10 rows than 10 queries returning 1 row each. Can you optimise
the queries on the database to minimise the number of queries needed?
Depending on circumstances, it may even be faster to do 1 query returning
15 rows, and then post-process in the view to throw away the 5 rows you
don't need.

 * Better still - can you optimize the database structure so that 1200-5000
calls aren't needed? Modern relational databases are *really* good at query
optimisation - if you give it the right query, and the right database.

 * Can you work your algorithm another way? In a previous job, I worked on
a tool that would look at a database of thousands of news articles received
in a given day, and then, for each of thousands of users, work out which
articles were "interesting" so they could be sent out in a daily alert
email. The obvious algorithm for this is "for user in users:
find_articles(user)" - but, for a variety of reasons, it turned out that
doing "for article in articles: find_users(article)" was almost 2 orders of
magnitude of faster. The less obvious algorithm allowed much greater
caching, and massively cut down the number of queries that were required.
The tradeoff was a lot more memory (memory vs speed is almost always the
tradeoff), and it wasn't only faster if you computed the results for *all*
users at the same time - but this was an daily offline process, so these
were limitations we were willing to accept.

 * To that end - is there anything that can be precomputed? Can you cache
pieces of the response? Is there anything you can put into a memory store,
rather than the database. Databases are great, but if you have a small
amount of frequently re-used, easily keyed data, it may be better to put
that data into a location where it can be obtained quickly, rather than
hitting the database.

 * If you *must* parallelize, and your algorithm is conducive to it,
threads are probably your best option - work out what part of your
algorithm can be parallelized, and put each part in a thread, and merge the
results once all the threads complete. If you're on Python 3, look into the
concurrent.futures module (or the "futures" module if you're on Python 2)
to help make this easier to manage. However, threads aren't magic fairy
dust - my "limited knowledge of your situation" guess is that
parallelization won't help you. If you've got a frequently executed view
doing thousands of database calls, I'm going to guess the database is
already a bit of a bottleneck; adding 10 threads per request is going to
increase the database load and make performance *worse*, not better, and if
it's a high traffic view, at some point, you're going to hit the limit of
the number of threads your server can handle.

 * Lastly, I'd challenge your assertion that this can't be done using a
celery + poll approach because it's a machine API. The fact that it's a
machine consuming the API doesn't matter; it's just a matter of what the
machine consumes. The public API for a "long running data processing
service" should be a 2 call API: (a) submit a processing request, and (b)
check the status of a specific processing request. If a human is consuming
this API, it can be put into a nice single-page app with an AJAX call
checking the status of the request. If it's a machine, you can make exactly
the same calls; you just treat it as a sequential sequence of calls with a
"while not finished: poll(); sleep(5)" loop. Of course, changing the API
style won't make your algorithm run any faster - it will just take the load
off your web server and allow you to offload processing to other servers.

I hope some of this helps.

Russ Magee %-)

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