On 06/12/2015 06:32 AM, aRkadeFR wrote:
> You need to delete your old migrations so it uses only the squashed
> one after.

No, the squashed migration should be used in place of the old ones for
any new database, even if the old ones are still present. This is the
point of the squashmigrations feature; that you can keep the old ones
around (which is necessary for any deployments that may not yet have
applied all of them) while still gaining the benefit of the new squashed
migration for new deployments (and tests).

I know this works, because I just did it recently myself. It sounds like
Cherie was able to get it working too, though we didn't get any
clarification on why it didn't seem to work originally.

> In the documentation:
> "This enables you to squash and not mess up systems currently in
> production that aren’t fully up-to-date yet. The recommended process is
> to squash, keeping the old files, commit and release, wait until all
> systems are upgraded with the new release (or if you’re a third-party
> project, just ensure your users upgrade releases in order without
> skipping any), and then remove the old files, commit and do a second
> release."

That's right. The length of time you need to wait before removing can
vary widely. For a third-party app, it may be a full release cycle or
two (as long as you can tell your users to upgrade version-by-version).
For a project with only a few deployments, all under your control, it
may be the same day. But regardless, the squashed migration will still
be used in tests immediately, before you remove the old migrations.


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