I need to build a pretty complex / non-standard form and am looking for 
advice on the overall architecture. Consider the following models:

class UserProfile(User):
  ... standard set of fields

class ProfileExtra():
  extratype (e.g. skill, work experience, website, publication, etc.)
  ... another set of fields

The idea is that, when editing a profile, a user can add an unlimited 
number of these ProfileExtras to their profile. So a user might end up with:

  skill 1
  skill 2

etc. When editing their profiles, they'll be able to add/edit/delete any of 
these *in place* without leaving the page (it'll be ajax.)

So we have one core model and "n" number of related models. Obviously, a 
standard ModelForm can't encompass all of this cleanly. There are several 
things about this that just don't mesh well with Django's forms library. It 
deals with multiple model types, it deals with unknown additional numbers 
of a related model, it needs to be all ajax.

I'm really not sure about the best way to put it all together. I'm thinking 
we probably won't use Django forms at all - just do standard JS to 
create/destroy html form inputs on the page dynamically. Consider the whole 
thing as one big form element, and it all gets submitted every time. In the 
receiving view, pull apart the POST request and process it all manually. 
Advantage: total control. Disadvantage: we lose all the magic provided by 
model and modelform validation.

Another thought is that we could make e.g. "skills" into a single field and 
use ArrayField (we're on postgres) to store all of the related skills. Need 
to experiment with that.

Have any of you solved a similar problem? Are good ways to meet the 
requirements while still being able to take advantage of Django form 
validation goodness? I'm all ears. Thanks.


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