On Tue, 23 Aug 2016, Gergely Polonkai wrote:

You should put all the stuff under trunk/, so it becomes trunk/manage.py,
trunk/crm/, etc. If you are developing for multiple customers, the
branches and tags directory may come in handy later. Also, it's nothing
but naming convention: you can call these directories dog/, Pete/, and
ananas/. But that’s more for a Subversion user list, not Django.


  That's what I suspected to be the case.

On the other hand, you definitely should choose a distributed version
control if you are working alone.

  Well, subversion's served me well since I replaced CVS with it. Backups
are daily (using dirvish) and since the repository's been in the same place
for almost a couple of decades it's not likely to be moved. :-)

Thanks for confirmation,


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