Sorry to reply to myself so quickly.

After a bit of refactoring my two views look like this:

def entries_by_category(request, slug):

        category = get_object_or_404(Category, slug=slug)
        entry_list_by_category = category.entry_set.order_by('-pub_date',
        return render_to_response('cake/entries_by_category.html',
{'entry_list_by_category': entry_list_by_category, 'category':

def entries_by_child_category(request, slug, childslug):

        category = get_object_or_404(Category, slug=childslug)
        entry_list_by_category = category.entry_set.order_by('-pub_date',
        return render_to_response('cake/entries_by_category.html',
{'entry_list_by_category': entry_list_by_category, 'category':

With the urlpatterns:

        (r'^category/(?P<slug>[-\w]+)', 'entries_by_category'),

I'm sure there must be a way of doing this with just the one view

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