On 01/18/2018 05:25 PM, johnf wrote:

I have the backend covered with REST.   When I try to google hybrid google comes up with hybrid mobile apps.  I did find fragment.js but I don't see any type of real information on how to use it.   I did find some info on javascript and multi-windows but here again it looks like it wants to replace the template system that Django uses.

It just seems to me that this issue must have come up in the past.  There must be a solution provided by Django without replacing parts of the Django framework????


Dear Johnf,

You can also take a look at django-jstemplate at <https://github.com/mjumbewu/django-jstemplate>. From their page:

   A templatetag framework for easier integration of mustache.js
   <http://mustache.github.com/>, dust.js
   <http://akdubya.github.com/dustjs/>, handlebars.js
   <http://handlebarsjs.com/>, or other JavaScript templates with
   Django templates.

Best regards,

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