Victor Ng wrote:

> If user A and user B are editting the same records and you enter a
> race where they do this:
> A) retrieve record

Here you mean SELECT FOR UPDATE, right?

> B) retrieve record

Same here, right?

> A) delete record
> B) update record

As SELECT FOR UPDATE starts a transaction, these two
are in concurrent transactions, right?

> The select for update that user B uses will succeed since the select
> will simply return 0 rows.  The update will succeed because 0 rows are
> updated successfully.

The update will not be tried if its SELECT FOR UPDATE returns 0 rows,
since there is nothing to update. The UPDATE will be made only if
SELECT FOR UPDATE returns exactly 1 row. Otherwise the transaction
is rolled back and the client informed that he needs to try again (and
why). The transaction is commited after the last table is UPDATED.
On any error the transaction is rolled back.
Similar for DELETE.

Sorry, I was to be explicite that SELECT FOR UPDATE must return
1 row.

Thus, in your example either DELETE or UPDATE will fail with
a possibility for a good error message for the client.

> SELECT FOR UPDATE really only helps if the SQL commands are running
> concurrently.

They are running concurrently in your example. At least I don't see
why not.

In case you mean by 'retrieve record' something else than SELECT
FOR UPDATE, e.g. simple SELECT for GET (i.e. for the client to decide
what to do with this row). We do not start any (lasting) transaction
at this moment, just because we don't need to.

One more clarification (correction). I said 'all information from
all fields..', but I have examples of fields which might be (or might
be not) omitted from the SELECT FOR UPDATE. For one,
the last modification timestamp field.

> vic
> --
> "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by
> stupidity."  - Hanlon's Razor

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