I created a ticket <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/31231> about the 
similliar problem, but after answer I don't sure that it's bug. 
Nevertheless, I think It looks contradictory, because you use python None 
in case of creating, but {{{ __isnull=True }}} in case of filtering.
In case, that I described bellow, it also looks strange. 
TestModel.objects.create(json_field=None) creates SQL NULL, but 
TestModel.objects.create(json_field={'key': None}) creates JSON NULL.
May be this behaviour needs to change? Or is it better to extend the 
Is this API allow to create a field with just JSON NULL value?

class TestJsonbNull(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        TestModel.objects.create(json_field={'key': None})

    # test passed
    def test_1(self):
    # test failed
    def test_2(self):

вторник, 12 июля 2016 г., 18:56:47 UTC+5 пользователь barth...@infobart.com 
> I believe I found a limitation in the Django jsonb support, but I'm really 
> not sure how the framework could fix it beside adding a limitation section 
> in the documentation.
> Basically, it is possible to fetch models with json 'null' values but it 
> is not possible to save them back (Django converts the json 'null' value to 
> sql NULL value).
> Assume the following model:
> class Container(models.Model):
>     data = JSONField(blank=False, null=False) # emphasis on null=False
> In PostgreSQL, it is perfectly reasonable to do this:
> INSERT INTO container VALUES (1, 'null');
> If you fetch the row in Django, you will get this:
> container = Container.objects.get(pk=1)
> assert container.data is None # passes
> container.save() # raises IntegrityError because it tries to save NULL in 
> a NOT NULL column.
> This is because Django has no idea whether you want to store None or 
> 'null'::jsonb.
> I'm not sure if this limitation was discussed elsewhere. I found a 
> somehow-related ticket here: https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/25718.
> Barthélémy

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