So far I've been using generic views for everything so I'm not sure if
I've reached the end of what those can do, or just need some better
understanding of how to use them.

I have a Foo model and a Goo model which among other attributes has a
non-editable ForeignKey reference back to Foo.  I'm having trouble
conceptualizing how I should handle getting the foo_id value set
automagically in a goo instance at the time it is created.

As a guess I was thinking that I could pass an instance of foo_id as
part of the extra_context value, but I'm not sure how I could grab this
value and put it in place in the urls.urlpatterns:

(r'^goo/create/$',  'django.views.generic.create_update.create_object',
{'model': Goo, 'post_save_redirect':"/goo/%(id)s/", extra_context:
{'foo_id' : ?????}}),

And if I do figure out how to pass foo_id thru, I'm not sure how this
will interact with the template.  As a hidden parameter called foo_id
or id_foo_id?

Any hints on this would be greatly

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