I have a Django site I've been running for years (since before the 1.x 
days). Right now it's running 3.2 and I have "cloned" it to another Ubuntu 
20.4 server so that I can test the upgrade to 4.x. The cloning process 

   - pushing the site's code to a private GitHub repo
   - git clone to pull the code down to the second server
   - create a virtual Python environment
   - in the new environment: pip install -r requirements.txt
   - create the MySQL database and populate it from last night's backup

The version of Python is identical between the two servers (3.8.10, built 
Nov 26 2021, 20:14:08 with GCC 9.3.0 on linux). The version of Django is 
identical (3.2). The MySQL database server is at the same version 
(8.0.28-0ubuntu0.20.04.3) The site looks and behaves *exactly* the same, 
feature for feature, pixel for pixel, between the two instances with one 
puzzling exception. On the cloned site, an <h2>...</h2> subtitle appears 
between the <h1>...</h1> title (for example, "Change invoice") and the div 
containing the form's fields when editing an existing record for any record 
type. This subtitle does not appear on the form page for a new record, and 
(here's the puzzle) it does not appear on the form page for *any* record, 
new or existing, on the original site. I have tracked down the template 
which renders the subtitle to 
django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/base.html, line 89.

{% block content_subtitle %}{% if subtitle %}<h2>{{ subtitle }}</h2>{% 
endif %}{% endblock %}

What's the best way to go about figuring out why {% if subtitle %} would be 
true on the cloned site, but false on the original site? I'll feel a lot 
more like the testing of the upgrade is on a solid footing if the existing 
3.2 instances start off behaving identically.


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