On 20/11/2023 07.25, Om Khade wrote:
Is there a way to decrypt the code in memory or run the Django project from the encrypted code without exposing the decrypted code to the client?

No, of course there isn't.

In order to decrypt the data the client needs the key. You can try to obscure it in various ways but in the end the client will still need the key so that's fairly pointless.

Even if you were to be able to hide the key somehow, eg. providing some TPM like hardware where only you know the key, the data would still be available unencrypted in memory which sort of defeats the purpose.

Think about how huge companies with almost unlimited resources and control of the hardware (eg. Sony Playstation) have tried something similar without success.

Spend your energy on providing software your customers will be happy to use instead and ignore that someone might be violating whatever terms you distribute it under or let your lawyers deal with that.

Kind regards,
Kasper Laudrup

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