On Mon, 12 Feb 2007 05:50:32 +0000, Patrick J. Anderson wrote:

> On Mon, 12 Feb 2007 15:32:07 +1100, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
>> On Mon, 2007-02-12 at 03:49 +0000, Patrick J. Anderson wrote:
>>> I think I might be missing something, but I have a problem with
>>> date filter. Why doesn't this template code work?
>>> {% ifequal d|date:"l" "Sunday" %}
>>>     <td class="sunday">
>>> {% else %}
>>>     <td>
>>> {% endifequal %}
>>> <ul><li>{{ d|date:"l" }}</li></ul>
>>> But inside the HTML list item {{ d|date:"l" }} produces full weekday
>>> names. 
>> The Django resolver for template tags is a bit simple-minded about what
>> you can pass as arguments: basically either string literals or
>> references to variables in the template's context are permitted. What it
>> cannot do is taken something that is a context variable modified by a
>> filter and work out that value. So Django is failing quietly on the
>> first argument there and effectively comparing the empty string to the
>> string "Sunday", I suspect.
>>> Can and should this evaluation be done in such a way, or perhaps
>>> there's a better way or no way this can be done using Django templates?
>> Assuming this is related to your post from a few hours ago about
>> determining if it is the first day of the week, I cannot really think of
>> any way to do it with the default filters and template tags. A couple of
>> possibilities that spring to mind:
>> (1) If your object had a "is first day of the week" method, you could
>> call that. I realise in this case you are probably passing in standard
>> Python datetime objects, in which case you are stuck, but maybe "d" is
>> something custom that you have control over and create a method that
>> returns a boolean.
>> (2) Write a custom template tag that tests if the date is the first day
>> of the week (or equal to another date). It isn't too hard to write
>> custom tags and it really is the recommended way for any kind of
>> advanced functionality you want to make accessible through the template.
>> You could pass the "d" variable and the day of the week to the tag and
>> have it act like an if tag if the args were equal (copying the default
>> "if" tag from django/templates/defaulttags.py as a starting point is one
>> way to start here).
>> Regards,
>> Malcolm
> Thanks, Malcolm. I see. I didn't know that a Django tag couldn't take a
> variable modified by a filter. Thanks for explaining that part. I'll try
> to come up with a custom template tag by looking at the docs and Django
> built-in tags in the file you mentioned.
> Yes the posts were related, as I'm trying to plot an HTML 28-day calendar
> with objects coming from a queryset. It's a little bit challenging with
> Python and Django templating, but I'm determined to find a good solution
> without resorting to PHP-style mixing of programming logic with
> presentation.
> Right now, I can easily create that calendar with dates using a custom tag
> I write, but the trick is to properly associate events coming from my
> model with the dates coming from context in my template tag.
> Below is the code I wrote so far (inclusion tag and corresponding calendar
> template):
> [file:dashboardcalendar.py]
> from datetime import datetime, timedelta
> from django.template import Library,Node
> register = Library()
> def plot_calendar(context):
>     """
>     Plot milestones into an XHTML calendar
>     Calendar starts today and ends at the end of day range defined by days 
> (default = 28)
>     """
>     week = [datetime.today() + timedelta(days = n) for n in range(7)]
>     week_days = [d.strftime("%A") for d in week]
>     if context.has_key('calendar_milestones'):
>         milestones = context['calendar_milestones']
>     else:
>         milestones = None
>     if not context.has_key('weeks'):
>         days = int(context['weeks']) * 7
>     else:
>         days = 28
>     dates = []
>     for n in range(days):
>         date = datetime.today() + timedelta(days=n)
>         dates.append(date)
>     return {
>         'week_days': week_days,
>         'calendar_days': dates,
>         'calendar_milestones': milestones,
>     }
> register.inclusion_tag('dashboard/widgets/calendar.html', 
>    takes_context = True)(plot_calendar)
> [file: calendar.html]
> {% if week_days %}
> <!-- BEGIN upcoming milestones claendar -->
> <table summary="Milestones due in the next 4 weeks" cellspacing='1' 
> class="calendar">
>     <caption>Milestones due in the next 4 weeks</caption>
>     <thead>
>         <tr>
>         {% for w in week_days %}
>             <th>{{ w }}</th>
>         {% endfor %}               
>         </tr>
>     </thead>
>     <tbody>
>     {% if calendar_days %}
>       {% for d in calendar_days %}
>               {% if forloop.counter0|divisibleby:7 %}
>                       {% if not forloop.first %}</tr>{% endif %}
>                       {% if not forloop.last %}<tr>{% endif %}
>               {% endif %}
>               {% if forloop.first %}
>               <td class="today">
>                       <ul><li><strong>TODAY</strong>
>                       <!-- if there are milestones due today, show them here 
> -->
>               {% else %}
>               <td>
>                       <ul><li>{{ d|date:"j N" }}
>               {% endif %}
>                       !-- if there are milestones due today, show them here 
> -->
>                       </li></ul>
>               </td>
>       {% endfor %}
>     {% else %}
>       <tr>
>               <td colspan="7">
>                       <div class="error">Can't create calendar cells because 
> I don't know
>                       the date range</div>
>               </td>
>       </tr>
>     {% endif %}
>     </tbody>
> </table>
> <!-- END upcoming milestones calendar --> {% endif %}
> <!-- just testing -->
> {% if calendar_milestones %}
>       <ul>
>       {% for m in calendar_milestones %}
>               <li>{{ m.date_close|date:"j F" }} | {{ m.name }} ({{ 
> m.project.name }})</li>
>       {% endfor %}
>       </ul>
> {% endif %}
I created "customfilters.py":

from django.template import Library

register = Library()

def isSunday(var):
    if var.weekday() == 6:
        return True
    return False

then in my template
{% load customfilters %}
{% if d|isSunday %}<td class="sunday">{% else %}<td>{% endif %}

and it worked. Now I need to add checks for a datetime object to
'isSunday' in my custom filter.

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