I want to plot my milestones into a 28-week calendar using Django. What
would be the best approach to doing that?

I have the following code:

[dashboardcalendar.py (custom template tag)]

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from django.template import Library,Node

register = Library()

def plot_calendar(context):
    Plot milestones into an XHTML calendar
    Calendar starts today and ends at the end of day range defined by days 
(default = 28)
    week = [datetime.today() + timedelta(days = n) for n in range(7)]
    week_days = [d.strftime("%A") for d in week]
    # calendar_milestones is a list of Milestone model objects
    # with date_close (date) attribute

    if context.has_key('calendar_milestones'):
        milestones = context['calendar_milestones']
        milestones = None

    if not context.has_key('weeks'):
        days = int(context['weeks']) * 7
        days = 28
    dates = []
    for n in range(days):
        date = datetime.today() + timedelta(days=n)
    return {
        'week_days': week_days,
        'calendar_days': dates,
        'calendar_milestones': milestones,

   takes_context = True)(plot_calendar)

and my template:

[dashboard/widget/calendar.html (customfilters: isSunday, isFirstofMonth,

{% load customfilters %}

{% if week_days %}
<!-- BEGIN upcoming milestones claendar -->
<table summary="Milestones due in the next 4 weeks" cellspacing='1' 
    <caption>Milestones due in the next 4 weeks</caption>
        {% for w in week_days %}
            <th>{{ w }}</th>
        {% endfor %}               
    {% if calendar_days %}
        {% for d in calendar_days %}
                {% if forloop.counter0|divisibleby:7 %}
                        {% if not forloop.first %}</tr>{% endif %}
                        {% if not forloop.last %}<tr>{% endif %}
                {% endif %}
                {% if forloop.first %}
                <td class="today">
                        <!-- if there are milestones due today, list them here 
                {% else %}
                {% if d|isSunday %}<td class="sunday">{% else %}<td>{% endif %}
                        <ul><li>{% if d|isFirstOfMonth %}<strong 
class="black">{{ d|date:"j N" }}</strong>{% else %}{{ d|date:"j" }}{% endif %}
                        <!-- if there are milestones due on that date, list 
them here -->
                {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% else %}
                <td colspan="7">
                        <div class="error">Can't create calendar cells because 
I don't know the day range</div>
    {% endif %}
<!-- END upcoming milestones calendar -->
{% endif %}

<!-- just testing -->
{% if calendar_milestones %}
        {% for m in calendar_milestones %}
                {% if m.date_close|isOverdue %}<li class="red">{% else %}<li>{% 
endif %}
                {{ m.date_close|date:"j F" }} | {{ m.name }} ({{ m.project.name 
        {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

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