On Fri, 2007-04-20 at 20:00 +0000, Jamie Pittock wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm currently planning my first Django application and after a quick
> search of groups I need a model structure very similar to that mention
> in this thread:
> http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/browse_thread/thread/48359c4c0faa797a
> Basically I need models for Restaurant, Bar, Hotel etc but it would be
> useful to have a parent model Place that could contain the fields
> general to all the models, plus it would be useful so that a
> restuarant and bar wouldn't have the same ID, or at least they'd have
> a unique Place ID.
> Has Model Inheritance moved on at all since that previous thread? 

Not yet.

>  Is
> a OnetoOneField the best option,


>  or ,given that (after another quick
> search) it seems Model Inheritance may well be back in the not too
> distant future,


>  is there another option that would make an easy
> transition once it is supported?

Use one-to-one now and change it to MI later. The changes won't be that
significant. A few quick search-and-replace operations in your templates
and views should do it.


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