Hello everyone,

I am a contract programmer new to python and django, but have been using
Java (8 years) and Ruby (2-3 years).

First, a quick story:

I utilize RoR quite extensively for a number of clients. One particular
client I have is on Win 2003 Server, Apache, SQL Server and RoR. I feel
somewhat misled by the RoR evangelists because when I first asked whether
RoR was suitable in this environment, everyone told me that it should be

Fast forward 3 years and here I am with quite a problem on my hands. Ruby is
just too slow in a Windows environment to be handling the load I am getting
now. We have tried to optimize SQL Server to the best of our ability, we
have tried Apache + 5 instances of mongrel so that there is some load
balancing, we have tried everything short of buying more servers and setting
up a clustered environment. Additionally, I am not sure whether the SQL
Server driver that is provided by the Ruby community is all that great. Many
times, it just performs too slowly, even a set of 20 select queries in a row
is enough for it to start lagging. If I run the same 20 queries in
enterprise manager, its infinitely quicker than in RoR. I have been patient
in hoping for some sort of change, but it seems to me that Ruby does not
care about Windows, and doesn't want to anytime in the near future.

I love ruby as a language, but I just cannot and do not have the time to be
dealing with trying to optimize everything. Call me a wannabe programmer,
but I'm not here to squeeze out every bit of juice possible, I am here to
perform work for my clients, keep them happy, and keep me paid. =)

Since then, I have been investigating other frameworks, in the pursuit of
hoping to replace at least the major portions of this application so that
users are not constantly complaining about it. If you could help me answers
a few questions about django, it would be much appreciated, especially if
you have experience with python/django/windows/sql server.

1) how fast is django in Windows, specifically w/ SQL Server?
2) Are there any known bugs or shortcomings with the SQL Server driver for
python? Can it be considered ready for production?
3) Does django integrate well with an existing database and one with legacy
tables? Can it handle PKs that are not integer types? Does it provide a
mechanism to run your own SQL code?
4) Does django integrate with multiple database instances?
5) Using apache, can you run a pool of django processes so that if one user
is doing something particularly heavy, it doesnt slow down the entire site?
(Basically what you do with Apache balancer and mongrels in ruby)

Thank you all very much,

Jin Lee

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