On 5/6/07, gsmith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jay,
> I've already added my SlugField.  Here is a look at the table I
> created
> class news(models.Model):
>     title = models.CharField(maxlength=200)
>     theslug = models.SlugField(prepopulate_from=("title"))
>     body = models.TextField(maxlength=2000)
>     def __str__(self,):
>         return self.title
>     class Admin:
> However, when i login to my admin and type something into my title
> field nothing appears in the SlugField.  I'm assuming that I need to
> import some JavaScript file so that my SlugField gets auto-populated
> when I enter text into the text field.

Nope, no need to import anything manually. You've been bitten by a
"quirk" of Python. Notice that you have this:


That's *almost* right. In the documentation, they show a two element
tuple, ("pre_name", "name"). You only have a one element tuple.
However, you did it wrong. A one element tuple in Python *has* to have
a trailing comma, so it should be


Alternatively, you can use a list instead of a tuple, then you don't
need the comma


The trailing comma in a tuple is required so Python knows whether or
not you are creating a tuple, or just simply putting brackets around
an expression.

Hope that helps,
Jay P.

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