> I have restarted apache, and I do not have those directives in my
> config files.

I'm running out of ideas. What it comes down to is that, according to
your traceback, for some reason under atlantaice the:


module is being imported by the URL resolver in:


when presumably you are expecting it to be the corresponding views
module for atlantaice.

To be honest I haven't ever done anything with Django past the hello
world examples, so I am presuming that the urls.py file is the only
place the resolver gets things from. Thus can't see why it would pick
up the wrong one if the two applications are indeed in their own
VirtualHost and thus their own Python sub interpreter.

The only way I know where a module could be shared between sub
interpreters under mod_python is where it is a C extension module as
Python only loads them once for all sub interpreters. For that reason
one can't use different versions of a C extension module in two
applications running in different sub interpreters. Anyway, that can't
be happening here urls.py is only a Python code module and not a C
extension module, plus that module when identified is prefixed by the
site name.

Thus we come back simply to verifying whether the two sites are
running in two different sub interpreters. Beyond that the only other
thing I can think of is PYTHONPATH is set in the environment of the
user that Apache is run as and that is causing a problem. Even that I
would be dubious of as your prefix the site directory to PythonPath so
it should be at the front.

BTW, I don't recollect you saying which version of mod_python you are
using. If you aren't using mod_python 3.3.1 I would strongly recommend
upgrading and trying that version instead. The only other suggestion
is you try mod_wsgi instead and use the daemon mode of mod_wsgi to
setup each site so they run in their own processes and so you don't
have multiple sub interpreters in the one process. That way there can
be no way they somehow could be interfering with each other. I can
help with that if you want to try that.

At the end of the day I am sure this will be something obvious and
I'll make a fool of myself for not seeing it earlier. ;-)


> On Jun 21, 9:34 pm, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On Jun 22, 10:14 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > > Interestingly, I am getting some strange errors when trying to output
> > > the interpreter ID to my error log.  Attempting to do so generates an
> > > error in my logs:
> > > [Thu Jun 21 20:00:23 2007] [error] [client]
> > > PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython:   File "/djangosites/
> > > atlantaice/settings.py", line 3, in ?\n
> > > apache.log_error("INTERPRETER %s" % apache.interpreter)
> > > [Thu Jun 21 20:00:23 2007] [error] [client]
> > > PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython: AttributeError: 'module'
> > > object has no attribute 'interpreter'
> > You must be using an older version ofmod_pythonthen. With older
> > versions ofmod_pythonyou would need to get access tomod_python
> > request object through the Django request object somehow and output
> > 'req.interpreter'. Ie., access 'interpreter' attribute ofmod_python
> > request object.
> > Nicest way of making this available which automatically shows in error
> > pages would be for the Djangomod_pythonadapter to push the value
> > into the request environment.
> > > atlantaice.urls doesn't reference AGDWeb in any way.
> > :-(
> > I don't understand then how the two supposedly separate applications
> > are mixing data then. You most definitely have restarted Apache and
> > checked again after a restart?
> > Can you verify that you don't have any of the following directives
> > anywhere in your Apache configuration files:
> >   PythonInterpreter
> >   PythonInterpPerDirective
> >   PythonInterpPerDirectory
> > Graham
> > > urlpatterns = patterns('',
> > >     (r'^$', 'atlantaice.web.views.homepage'),
> > >     (r'^alliedpartners/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.allied_partners'),
> > >     (r'^contact/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.contact'),
> > >     (r'^contact/confirm/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.contact_confirm'),
> > >     (r'^emergency/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.emergency'),
> > >     (r'^employmentopp/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.list_jobs'),
> > >     (r'^employmentopp/(?P<job_id>\d+)/$',
> > > 'atlantaice.web.views.show_job'),
> > >     (r'^employmentopp/(?P<job_id>\d+)/apply/$',
> > > 'atlantaice.web.views.job_apply'),
> > >     (r'^employmentopp/confirm/$',
> > > 'atlantaice.web.views.employment_confirm'),
> > >     (r'^eventrentals/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.event_rentals'),
> > >     (r'^eventrentals/popup/(?P<item>[0-9a-z\-]+)/$',
> > > 'atlantaice.web.views.show_popup'),
> > >     (r'^faqs/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.faq'),
> > >     (r'^iceestimator/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.ice_estimator'),
> > >     (r'^icemachines/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.ice_machines'),
> > >     (r'^pastevents/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.past_events'),
> > >     (r'^popup_blockice/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.popup_blockice'),
> > >     (r'^popup_dryice/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.popup_dryice'),
> > >     (r'^products/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.products'),
> > >     (r'^servicearea/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.service_area'),
> > >     (r'^services/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.services'),
> > >     (r'^testimonials/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.testimonials'),
> > >     (r'^weeklyroute/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.weekly_route'),
> > >     (r'^weeklyroute/confirm/$',
> > > 'atlantaice.web.views.weekly_route_confirm'),
> > >     (r'^admin/', include('django.contrib.admin.urls')),
> > > On Jun 21, 7:12 pm, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > wrote:
> > > > What is in:
> > > >   atlantaice.urls
> > > > If the details in the error page are to be believed, it would look
> > > > like one of the URL mapping rules is referencing the other site.
> > > > I really wish the Django error page would show the interpreter name
> > > > when usingmod_python. I guess another suggestion I should create a
> > > > ticket for when I can catch up with my list of things to do.. :-)
> > > > Graham
> > > > On Jun 21, 11:39 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > Error can be seen herehttp://beta.atlantaicecompany.com/
> > > > > AGDWeb is an app in a totally separate project under the same
> > > > > PythonPath.  It has a separate settings file.
> > > > > I am not using any Django cache, I am referring to some sort of
> > > > > internal caching thatmod_pythonis doing.
> > > > > The settings file looks like this
> > > > > <VirtualHost *>
> > > > >         ServerName beta.atlantaicecompany.com
> > > > >         ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > >         DocumentRoot /djangosites/atlantaice/
> > > > >         <Location "/">
> > > > >                 SetHandler python-program
> > > > >                 PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
> > > > >                 SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE atlantaice.settings
> > > > >                 PythonPath "['/djangosites/'] + sys.path"
> > > > >                 PythonDebug Off
> > > > >         </Location>
> > > > >         <Location "/images">
> > > > >                 SetHandler None
> > > > >         </Location>
> > > > >         <Location "/js">
> > > > >                 SetHandler None
> > > > >         </Location>
> > > > >         <Location "/flash">
> > > > >                 SetHandler None
> > > > >         </Location>
> > > > >         <Location "/admin-media">
> > > > >                 SetHandler None
> > > > >         </Location>
> > > > >         ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/beta.atlantaicecompany.com-error.log
> > > > >         # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error,
> > > > > crit,
> > > > >         # alert, emerg.
> > > > >         LogLevel warn
> > > > >         CustomLog /var/log/apache2/beta.atlantaicecompany.com-
> > > > > access.log combined
> > > > >         ServerSignature Off
> > > > > </VirtualHost>
> > > > > and
> > > > > <VirtualHost *>
> > > > >         ServerName agdweb.gtagd.org
> > > > >         ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > >         DocumentRoot /djangosites/AGD/
> > > > >         <Location "/">
> > > > >                 SetHandler python-program
> > > > >                 PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
> > > > >                 SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE AGD.settings
> > > > >                 PythonPath "['/djangosites/'] + sys.path"
> > > > >                 PythonDebug Off
> > > > >         </Location>
> > > > >         <Location "/site-media">
> > > > >                 SetHandler None
> > > > >         </Location>
> > > > >         <Location "/admin-media">
> > > > >                 SetHandler None
> > > > >         </Location>
> > > > >         ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/agdweb.gtagd.org-error.log
> > > > >         # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error,
> > > > > crit,
> > > > >         # alert, emerg.
> > > > >         LogLevel warn
> > > > >         CustomLog /var/log/apache2/agdweb.gtagd.org-access.log
> > > > > combined
> > > > >         ServerSignature Off
> > > > > </VirtualHost>
> > > > > On Jun 21, 5:45 am, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > On Jun 21, 5:46 pm, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> > > > > > > On 21-Jun-07, at 12:50 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > > > > > > cache gets confused.  But if I do that, the settings don't work
> > > > > > > > correctly and the site won't load.  What am I doing wrong?
> > > > > > > you need a pythonInterpretor line in each Location with a 
> > > > > > > different
> > > > > > > name. It is in the documentation
> > > > > > Not true if each is in its own VirtualHost as the default behaviour 
> > > > > > of
> > > > > >mod_pythonis to give each VirtualHost its own sub interpreter. You
> > > > > > should only need to set PythonInterpreter if you were running two
> > > > > > Django instances within the same VirtualHost at different mount
> > > > > > points.
> > > > > > For completeness, it would help if OP posted both VirtualHost
> > > > > > configurations side by side in the same message, so one can see
> > > > > > properly the PythonPath setting for each and the
> > > > > > DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE setting.
> > > > > > BTW, if using recentmod_python, to confirm that distinct Python sub
> > > > > > interpreters are being used one can use:
> > > > > >   frommod_pythonimport apache
> > > > > >   apache.log_error("INTERPRETER %s" % apache.interpreter)
> > > > > > Then check the Apache error log file.
> > > > > > I would also suggest printing the value of sys.path to make sure it 
> > > > > > is
> > > > > > what you expect.
> > > > > > More importantly, when you say "Django's cache is confusing the two
> > > > > > sites and is saying that one table from a project doesn't exist in 
> > > > > > the
> > > > > > other project's db", can you post the actual full message you are
> > > > > > getting, and state where you are getting it. If it has a traceback,
> > > > > > also include the traceback.
> > > > > > Graham

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