This request is slightly off topic. I like the way attributes of
Django models are defined. I'd like to use a similar approach for a
pure Python, too. Unfortunately, I do not really understand the code
that does all the magic in the django.db.models module. I don't think
it is possible to use  Django models without a database. Therefore,
can anybody point me to some tutorial/documentation on how to do this
kind of meta programming in Python?

I'd like to solve three problems at once. My naive approach to map a
complex web of objects directly on Django model objects was
unbelievable slow (with sqlite3) and painful to use because I had to
be careful to add save() methods all over the place. Additionally, I
need transactions to be able to revert partial modifications of single
method calls. It is my current understanding that Django does not have
this feature.

As I don't need to access individual objects randomly, I could
serialize my whole web of objects and store it into a single binary
database field.

I was able to create simple transaction management on objects with
attributes, but I need of course not only monitor attribute
modifications but also lists and dictionaries, that is mutable
sequences. At the same time, I like how Django expresses relations
between objects and automatically manages them. So I tried to come up
with some custom relation class - and failed so far ;(

Stefan Matthias Aust

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