> For instance, if you also had categories of users and wanted to be
> able to list the users in each category,  a 'human-friendly' url
> scheme might look like this:
> www.mysite.com/users/matt --> go to my area
> www.mysite.com/users/jess --> go to Jess' area
> www.mysite.com/users/mark --> go to Mark's area
> www.mysite.com/users/premium --> list all premium members
> www.mysite.com/users/economy --> list all economy members
> It's a contrived example, but if the categories were also numerous and
> data-driven, you'd need a different solution to those mentioned. I
> could always use "www.mysite.com/users/categories/premium", but it
> doesn't have quite the same feel.

Depending on how many categories you had, you could try one of 
the following

- create a specific URL in your urls.py for each of the handful 
of known categories, putting them the before the catch-all URL 
that treats it like usernames.  This would prevent users from 
having a username like "premium" or "economy"...for better or 
worse :)

- similar to the first, but accomodating data-driven categories, 
you could dispatch to a view that first tries to find a matching 
category and then falls back to a user-name...something like

   def view_whatever(request, target):
       cat = Category.objects.get(name=target)
       return view_category(request, cat)
       user = User.objects.get(username=target)
       return view_user(request, user)

- create a different URL like your describe, though dislike for 
"not having quite the same feel"

- provide a setup where example.com/users/ is the URL of the 
*collection* of users rather than the individual users, and then 
takes GET parameters for filtering/sorting, so you could have


This last one also makes it nicely accessible from <form> 
elements if you need.

Just my meandering thoughts on the matter.


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