Is anyone out there using S3FileField (
wiki/AmazonSimpleStorageService) in their models to interface with
Amazon's S3 service?

I've saved the code from the above url into a file '' in
my project directory (e.g. <my_project>/ and I've saved
the Amazon code from
into <my_project>/amazon/. I've set the DEFAULT_BUCKET value in my
settings file but I'm trying to figure out how to set the key for the
S3FileField. There is a method called 'set_key' which apparently does
this, but I don't know how to set this value in my model.
My model currently looks something like this (and validates, so all
the import statements seem to be in working order):

from django.db import models
from my_project.amazon_s3 import S3FileField
class Photo(models.Model):
    photo_file = S3FileField()

I would like to be able to set the key so that each file would be
accessible from a url like<DEFAULT_BUCKET>/media/img/photo.jpg,
that is, I want to set the key to "/media/img/" + file_name

I have another question about the code from the wiki page. There is a
keyword argument 'upload_to="s3"':

class S3FileField(models.FileField):
    def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, name=None, bucket='',
is_image=False, **kwargs):
        models.FileField.__init__(self, verbose_name, name,
upload_to="s3", **kwargs)

What does the value assigned to upload_to mean in the context of S3

Any tips appreciated.


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