
I may not agree with everything you said, but I appreciate you taking
the time to write a response and address my concerns in a logical,
thoughtful manner .

Are you sure there is no compromise on doing a "stable" tag every few
months? Unless you religiously monitor the timelines and the google
groups, it is a little difficult to pick a good time to tag the trunk
between major merges and refactors.

I know there are concerns about this (end of life on releases, or
security fixes on releases, etc.).  I am not really sure how this can
(if this can) be accomplished, but I think it would really help us
"corporate middle managers" out!

Maybe you can tag "Release Candidates" with no guarantee of bug fixes?



On Oct 1, 11:50 am, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Mon, 2007-10-01 at 06:05 -0700, Joe wrote:
> > > I'll pause for a moment here and step out of responding as a Django
> > > user, and step into responding as Django's release manager: the answer
> > > is "when it's ready". If you have a foolproof way of figuring out when
> > > that will be, you should stop writing code and start making millions
> > > of dollars selling your secret to businesses which develop software.
> > In the business world, we set goals and track our progress to them.
> > In the act of tracking our goals, we learn lessons that improve our
> > development processes and increase our productivity.  Django's team
> > can do the same.  Set a goal, even if it is "Let's shoot to make the
> > trunk stable on 10/10 so we can tag the code."
> Guess what? It works that way in the Open Source world, too. Django
> isn't unusual in the way it works. Currently our goal is "work to get
> all the features on the VersionOneFeatures wiki page done", plus
> incorporating new stuff that we learn needs to be incorporated along the
> way. The fact that our goal isn't time-based isn't in any way
> revolutionary -- lots of corporate projects are run on similar lines. If
> you want to set a deadline just to hear the sound of it whooshing by,
> this isn't the place for that.
> Nobody working on a major project wants to just run along with no point
> to their work and that's not how we operate. There is, however, a
> difference of perspective needed: we are targeting particular features
> at the moment, rather than a moment in time. This is more productive at
> this point simply because of the nature of the features and the time we
> have available.
> > > "It's done when it's done" is all I can give you. "It's done even
> > > though it's not" wouldn't make any sense, and neither would automatic
> > > releases; I'll take quality over quantity any day of the week, and
> > > "released later, but finished" over "released now, but doesn't work".
> > And this is the biggest disconnect between Django's team and the
> > business world.  If I went to my bosses and told them "It's done when
> > it's done" about our upcoming product releases, I would get fired.
> > Your response should be, "It's really hard to estimate, but here is my
> > best guess and a target for us to shoot for."  And, you know what?
> > Most of the time our estimates are pretty close.  And by tracking how
> > we do on our estimates, we can make them even more accurate.
> Come on! :-) Your analogy is a little strained. If your bosses said "I
> want everybody to commit to these deadlines, but you're all going to do
> it whilst working as volunteers and in between your other commitments
> and some of you will wander off due to lost interest or life requiring a
> change or priorities", you wouldn't be surprised to find time goals much
> harder to meet. Trying not to bring up the "firing" word in this
> context. It's too much of a stretch.
> It's fairly clear to me from reading this thread that a few people are
> trying desperately to match up commercial software development with open
> source development. No problems there; there's generally a very large
> overlap and almost everything on the technical level carries across. On
> the managerial level, things are a bit different, though. Firstly, you
> can make this easier by not assuming Django is different from almost any
> other open source project out there. Every project that is currently in
> a successful time-based release process had a period when they were
> feature based to get to a certain base point. Django is still in that
> preliminary phase. We may or may not move to time-based releases later
> on -- that hasn't been discussed and there are certainly valid arguments
> on both sides, so it isn't a no-brainer. Every large project that
> manages to set a line on the calendar and hit it has ended up having
> people working on it full time. Look at how GNOME 2.0 got released. Look
> at how Apache 2.0 got released. Look at the preliminary and ongoing Perl
> 6 work. In all of those cases, it was not done entirely by volunteers
> and it still was very, very difficult to timetable except in the last
> few months prior to a release. That's both a pro and a con about open
> source development: predicting timetables is hard because of the nature
> of the contributions.
> Don't get sucked into expecting a total match with operating practices
> in the commercial world in that respect: in exchange for you being
> somewhat beholden to your employer's wishes, they *employ* you.
> [...]
> > > Generally, the Django team works to keep trunk as stable as possible;
> > If this is true, what is the disadvantage to tagging a release every
> > couple of months?  It would provide a serious benefit to those of us
> > who have to deal with corporate red tape.
> One disadvantage from that kind of model is security: we would either
> have to keep security fixes up to date for a much larger number of
> releases or EOL releases much faster, which is also a not insignificant
> downside in the corporate world.
> Another is credibility and QA: either you have to have periodic freezes
> prior to these snapshots to stabilise things, bring translations up to
> date, etc, or else they mean nothing. In the latter case, it isn't
> benefiting anybody because you could just create a snapshot yourself to
> satisfy the Red Tape Department (want to make a 20071001 release? Tar up
> a checkout from today and you're done!).
> Seriously, guys, these sorts of threads aren't new. They've come up
> before in Django and regularly make appearances in other projects. They
> also don't tend to be particularly productive except as a way for people
> to let off steam. There isn't a serious contributor on this list who
> isn't aware of how things work in the corporate world. For most of us,
> that's where we work. Teaching us how to suck eggs isn't really needed.
> A lot of people on this list and particularly on django-dev also all
> pretty experienced in the open source world and give a lot of time and
> resources to that arena. Bagging our decisions -- which unsurprisingly
> aren't made based on a whim -- doesn't help anybody; you or us.
> Juggling the corporate image is very much one aspect of managing an open
> source project and we (channelling all the maintainers for a moment) are
> certainly not unsympathetic to that side of things. In the past we have
> made decisions that are real compromises purely on the grounds that it
> will work better on the business front. However, it is only one aspect.
> You aren't describing any thoughts that haven't gone through lots of
> minds in the past and whilst I can appreciate that frustrations build up
> as time goes by, I would ask that you try to understand the flip side
> and spend a bit of time looking at how analogous projects are working.
> We are all focused on getting to 1.0 as quickly as possible. We've
> chosen to be feature-based at the moment. In full awareness that that
> will not be a perfect match for everybody's requirements. Time-based
> release processes wouldn't be a perfect match either. It's all about
> compromise. That's why we did 0.96 before launching into a bunch of
> backwards-incompatible changes, for example. It's why we released 0.95
> when we did, too. We're trying to keep most people as happy as we're
> able to, whilst maintaining a reasonably steady course towards a very
> significant milestone.
> Your voices are being heard and the same has always been true.
> Best wishes,
> Malcolm

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