On 10/1/07, Stefan Matthias Aust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There are still 12 tickets from the last sprint (great effort, BTW)
> left to check-in. The casual observer easily gets the impression that
> work is sporadic, uncoordinated and not target-oriented, in one word:
> chaotic.

Yes, of course it's chaotic.

We can't commit to a timelime because our time is volunteered.
Sometime other things (family, work, etc) take priority; For example -
I thought I was going to get a full weekend free over the sprint, but
then my son required extra attention, so I didn't get to spend as much
time as I would have liked.

This also affects our ability to commit to a feature set - many (all?)
of the core developers use Django in their day jobs - and if their day
job suddenly demands a feature, then that feature is going to get
sudden attention, even if it wasn't on the grand plan. Conversely, if
someone comes along and volunteers to do a big block of work (e.g.,
the Oracle branch), we're not going to turn them away because it
wasn't on the plan.

This is all just an extension of the Golden Rule: He who has the gold,
makes the rules. In the case of volunteerism - he who volunteers makes
the rules.

As a result, it's also very easy to fix. Let's see how serious you
are. You say that your employer wants to use Django, but doesn't like
the loose timelines, etc. Whether software or hardware, every
guarantee has an actuarial cost, and the stronger the guarantee, the
higher the cost. What is your boss willing to pay for what sort of
guarantee? How much is a solid timeline worth to your employer?

I'm actually serious here - I would love to see Django become a
financially self sustaining project, but it's hard to judge how much
actual commercial interest there is in such a proposition. Anyone
should feel free to respond, and if you don't want the magic
number/terms public for commercial-in-confidence reasons, feel free to
mail me privately.

> Will there every be schema
> evolution?

To weigh in on this topic specifically - if you have been following
the threads on this, you should know that there are several offerings
already available (Derek's deseb project being the most visible so
far). A search of recent archives will also reveal that I am hoping to
be able to make an announcement in this area in the very near future.

Russ Magee %-)

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