On Oct 9, 8:12 am, Trey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Interesting approach Malcom, I will read up on a few of the tools to
> see if I can catch the error in the act. I have been doing something
> similar with strace and some sort of segfault that is very hard to
> catch.
> Graham, I haven't researched mod_wsgi much, is it an alternative to
> mod_python or does it just relate to the development server (as that's
> the only place I've seen it mentioned)

For the purposes of Python web applications which support the WSGI
interface, such as Django, then mod_wsgi is a viable replacement for
mod_python. In some respects, mod_wsgi is also a viable replacement
for FASTCGI solutions in many cases as mod_wsgi supports both an
embedded mode (like mod_python) and a daemon mode (like FASTCGI).

The only feature I know of missing in mod_wsgi 1.X that some Django
people like to use from mod_python is the ability to define an Apache
authentication handler in mod_python so for example they can use
Django user authentication for authenticating users accessing a Trac
instance. This ability to define an Apache authentication handler, as
well as group authorisation has already though been implemented for
mod_wsgi 2.0 and is available from Subversion repository trunk for

In respect to mod_wsgi relating to development server, the only thing
I can think of that you are talking about here is how I might have
previously indicated how mod_wsgi could easily be used in situations
where needing to support multiple developers working on the same
Django application but where each has its own workspace. Yes mod_wsgi
can help in this situation, but this is just an outcome from its
flexible configuration options in providing both embedded and daemon
modes. For production sites mod_wsgi is more than capable and it
shouldn't be seen as only useful for development environments.


> trey
> On Oct 6, 7:01 pm, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > The way mod_python reads request content is a bit broken and can screw
> > up in various ways, albeit rarely. This may be another example to add
> > to the existing ones. The other known examples are:
> >  http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MODPYTHON-212
> >  http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MODPYTHON-234
> > I haven't sat down to try and work out how to fix the code in
> > mod_python, but being mindful that it was doing the wrong thing, I
> > completely wrote from scratch in mod_wsgi the input reading code and
> > didn't rely on the mod_python code in any way. Thus, as far as I know
> > these problems shouldn't occur with mod_wsgi.
> > Graham
> > On Oct 7, 2:06 am, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > > On Sat, 2007-10-06 at 15:20 +0000, Trey wrote:
> > > > There are other people that have brought this up a little bit some
> > > > time ago. I run a small to medium sized web application that takes
> > > > profile pictures. By far my largest customer service issue is people
> > > > not being able to upload their photos.
> > > > For the most part I have played it down as their connection sucking or
> > > > perhaps doing something stupid with the browser, but there are a
> > > > couple of things that I am running into that are causing an issue.
> > > I internally wince a bit every time this problem comes up. There's
> > > something going on that makes it occur regularly for certain
> > > combinations of browsers and servers (there's a report in Edgewall's own
> > > Trac installation about a repeatable upload problem for one group of
> > > people that is the same problem -- see [1]). However, it's not easily
> > > reproducible for other people.
> > > [1]http://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/5226
> > > > 1. I can't replicate this, no matter what I do with my browser in the
> > > > middle of an upload.
> > > > 2. Judging by the django code near the problem, this is working on
> > > > information that has already been received.
> > > > 3. I get this a few times a day at least, different people every time.
> > > > If someone with some knowledge of the core or http areas of django
> > > > could speak up on this I would be very grateful.
> > > The error itself appears to be coming from inside mod_python. The
> > > self._req attribute is mod_python's request object and we're in the
> > > process of reading data from there. Unfortunately, that doesn't help
> > > very much with the problem diagnosis, but if you Google around for the
> > > exact error message, you'll see it appearing in other places as well.
> > > Just not commonly enough to help work out what's really going on. I
> > > don't think there's a lot we can do on the Django side to mitigate this.
> > > If it was me running a site that had this problem and I was really
> > > dedicated to solving it, I'd try to put a rolling tcpdump on the
> > > connection to try and capture the problem live. It will be a real bear
> > > to try and interpret the results, but if you have accurate
> > > (synchronised) clocks on all the machines in question and are capturing
> > > the exception when it happens (with a timestamp), you should be able to
> > > get close. Tcpdump has the ability to roll the logs after a certain size
> > > and to create no more than a certain number of log files before reusing
> > > the first ones (so it can use a ring of files, essentially). And
> > > remember that it doesn't capture all the packets, only the first few
> > > bytes -- enough to determine the protocol and see the start of the
> > > message body. You can tweak this, of course, but the point is you won't
> > > be capturing *all* of the traffic to your site, so storage requirements
> > > won't be unmanageably huge (but they will be large). If you can set
> > > aside a few gigabytes of disk space to capture logs and are able to
> > > respond reasonably fast when the error occurs (so you can grab the log
> > > that will contain the error before it gets overwritten next time
> > > around), this is a viable technique.
> > > Unfortunately, it may not tell you a lot (it's always a good idea to
> > > know what you hope to get out of a major debugging thing like this). You
> > > might see that either there is a slight hold-up in the client sending
> > > data and maybe you'll be able to see the browser type in the HTTP
> > > headers. Or you might see no break in the packet timings at all, which
> > > says there was a hold up inside application space (Apache, I guess). I'm
> > > not sure how either piece of information will help much, although
> > > knowing where to look further will always be a benefit.
> > > I guess I'd also try to ensure I was running the latest mod_python (and
> > > Apache) in cases like this. The code is getting better all the time --
> > > you just don't see any huge "I upgrade mod_python and the wheels
> > > completely fell off my site" problems -- so taking advantage of all the
> > > bug fixes you can can't hurt here, just in case it is an
> > > application-layer problem.
> > > Please realise that everything I've written here is along the lines of
> > > how I would go about trying to gather more information. I have no
> > > special insight into what is causing the problem, although from reading
> > > a bunch of problem reports on the web, it sounds like it is repeatable
> > > for certain client setups, so might not be just a sporadic connection
> > > issue.
> > > Regards,
> > > Malcolm

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