First of all, thank you for the well thought-out response, I appreciate 
your efforts. :)

Here is the crux of the matter, without any examples, and you phrased it 
 > "You've overridden that by
 > specifying a to_field whose value is not unique (allowing that may be
 > a bug in Django)."

The whole point is that I think the behavior is a bug in Django, because 
it's inconsistent as to which the count() is generating.  I was hoping 
someone knew the core well enough to explain this inconsistency.  Core 
devs, is this a bug, or do all of us who have commented on it not 
understand why this behavior gives these apparently inconsistent values?

I'm going to have to generate a different example, because what I'm 
using here is obviously causing people to think about the wrong part of 
the problem.  The problem is that .select_related().count() has wildly 
differing behavior depending on whether there's filter() criteria on the 
ForeignKey table, and/or the use of distinct() prior to the count().

Our internal example that has a problem is related to the use of a 
OneToOneField, so there is no many-to-many relationship there.  In fact, 
it's a zero-to-one relation or a one-to-one relation, but it exhibits 
the same behavior because OneToOneFields function like ForeignKeys. 
People sometimes get upset and confused by OneToOneField, but it looks 
like I just made it worse for everybody. :)

So, my example (which attempted to simplify things with ForeignKeys) 
just caused people to try to think about the relationships here, and 
that's not what was really the problem.  For that, I apologize.


Karen Tracey wrote:
> On 10/31/07, *George Vilches* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> [snip]
>     Here is what I want to count:
>     "All the quantity of items necessary to complete all the selected
>     assemblies".
>     That's not thinking in SQL, that's very much thinking about the objects
>     at hand.  I have Assemblies, and I need to know the total number of
>     Items.  That's a concept that can be thought about strictly from the
>     objects.
>     So, if I have two assemblies, and Assembly 1 connects to 2 items, and
>     Assembly 2 connects to 3 items, I want the total result of 5 when I
>     do a
>     count() where I refer to the Items (select_related()).
> A ForeignKey in the Assembly model (as you have it now) is not the right 
> way to describe the relationship you state in the above sentence.  A 
> ForeignKey is used to describe a many-to-one relationship, where the 
> "many" side is the model containing the ForeignKey and the "one" side is 
> the model that is the target of the ForeignKey.  That is, many Assembly 
> instances might "point to" the same Item instance, but each individual 
> Assembly is associated with exactly one Item.  So a single Item would 
> have a set of Assembly objects "connected" to it, not vice-versa.
> This happens naturally by default because the ForeignKey uses the 
> primary key field of the target model.  You've overridden that by 
> specifying a to_field whose value is not unique (allowing that may be a 
> bug in Django). I think this is the crux of what's causing the 
> differences you see in the various ways of determining count() -- Django 
> is assuming a unique relationship which in you case does not exist.
> Now, as to fixing it for your case, I'm not sure how to do it because 
> I'm not clear on the relationship between Assembly and Item.  Is it 
> many-to-one (only reversed from the way currently defined in your 
> models) or many-to-many?  If it really is many-to-one, then moving the 
> ForeignKey field over into the Item model may be all you need to do 
> (plus turning around your thinking, which often trips me up when trying 
> to work out ForeignKey relationships).
> Karen

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