Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
>>  >>> Assembly.objects.select_related()
>> [<Assembly: Assembly object>, <Assembly: Assembly object>, <Assembly: 
>> Assembly object>, <Assembly: Assembly object>, <Assembly: Assembly 
>> object>, <Assembly: Assembly object>]
>>  >>> len(Assembly.objects.select_related())
>> 6
>>  >>> Assembly.objects.select_related().count()
>> 2L
>> Since I'm using select_related(), I would expect it to follow the INNER 
>> JOINs to do the .count().  I can force it to use the JOINs by doing this:
> This is where you've made a mistake (aside from the to_field problem
> Karen pointed out). Your assumption is wrong. select_related() is only
> an optimisation as far as loading the data form the database. It should
> *never* change the result of a quantitative query like this. If it does,
> it would be a bug.
> Regards,
> Malcolm

So is it expected behavior then that when I use filter criteria like this:


That I get 6 instead of 2?  (It appears that the combination of 
select_related() and filter() is now affecting the count of the Assembly 
rows in the query, which is what would be expected from a strictly SQL 

If that's correct, then is this also correct? (rehash of the message 
about distinct()/count()):


[<Assembly: Assembly object>, <Assembly: Assembly object>, <Assembly:
Assembly object>, <Assembly: Assembly object>, <Assembly: Assembly
object>, <Assembly: Assembly object>]

Or (I just saw your follow-up e-mail), is all of this a moot point since 
something like this is going to be made totally invalid in the future?


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