RajeshD wrote:
> On Nov 2, 4:05 pm, "Ramdas S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am sure there is something absolutely simple, but I guess I am missing it.
>> I need to display some content/ news articles over 3 columns on a home page,
>> where the order is latest stories coming in top rows from left to right. If
>> you've seen web sites like theinquirer.net or theregister.co.uk you will
>> understand what I mean!
>> I was searching for a solution that is a lot simple, like a template tag
>> which will let me implement this easily. But I have not found one.
> Have you considered using plain CSS floating boxes?
> Here's some hastily put together snippet:
> Your template:
> ----------------------
> {% for a in articles %}
>    <div class="article">
>      .... render article a here
>    </div>
>   {% if forloop.counter1|divisibleby:"3" %}
>      <div class="clear_all">&nbsp;</div>
>   {% endif %}
> {% endfor %}
> Your CSS:
> ------------------
> .article {width:32%;float:left;overflow:hidden;}
> .clear_all {clear:both;}
> Experiment further to make things look nicer from here ;)
> -Rajesh D
I'd change "clear_all" to "clear-all" if I was you.
I've had trouble with some older versions of Netscape choking on 


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