
i'm new to Django, and I'm warming up building a simple job board app.
I'm trying to put a feed system to work using the middleware bundled with

- url.py:

feeds = {
    'ads': AdFeed,

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    (r'^admin/', include('django.contrib.admin.urls')),
    (r'^$', index),
    (r'^jobs/$', list),
    (r'^jobs/(?P<page>\d*)/$', list),
    (r'^view/(?P<id>\d*)/$', view),
    (r'^feeds/(.*)$', 'django.contrib.syndication.views.feed', {'feed_dict':

- feeds.py file:

class AdFeed(Feed):
    title = "Chicagocrime.org site news"
    item_link = "http://job4dev.com";
    description = "Updates on changes and additions to chicagocrime.org."

    item_author_name='Joe Blow'
    item_author_email='[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
    item_author_link=' http://www.example.com'

    def items(self):
        return Vaga.objects.all()[0:100]

I've read the docs and lots of examples, and It seems to me that it's
But each time I try to acess /feeds/ads, I get an Attribute Error, with
"NoneType" object has no attribute startwith.

The error is raised by
in get_feed

I just can`t figure out where this None is coming from. Any idea?



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Miguel Galves - Engenheiro de Computação
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