I really hope this isn't embarrassingly obvious but...

My {% url %} tags aren't producing anything -- no error and no url. My
current setup is so bare-bones I can't imagine what's gone wrong. Here
are the basics:

ROOT_URLCONF = Project.urls

In Project.urls:
(r'^$', 'app1.views.index'),
(r'^(?P<browseBy>authors|books|publishers)/$', 'app2.views.browse'),

The app2.views.browse view uses a render_to_response, with a
RequestContext. I've got no TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS set, so I'm
using default.

app2.views.browse renders the app2/browse.html template, with no
context variables passed in except what the RequestContext puts in
there. I thought the problem was that ROOT_URLCONF wasn't available in
the template, but I imported that specifically and passed it in, with
the same result.

In app2/browse.html template:
<a href="{% url app1.views.index %}">Home</a>
(I've also tried Project.app1.views.index, and other variations, with
the same result)

All I want is a link to the homepage, but nothing is output. This is
the simplest case but the I get the same result in all my views and
templates. I'm using the development version of Django, and the
development server.

Can anyone see where I've got wrong? I tried setting the
TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID variable to '%s', but I guess this doesn't
actually count as an invalid template tag.

I'd be very grateful for any help!


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