Hi Richard,

> When I stress test the dynamic part of the site, I am only getting about
> 300 requests per second on my test setup.  This is using two Dell 1950's
> (one for web, one for mysql database).  These are very powerful machines
> (3.0ghz Xeons, 8 cores each, 16 gig of ram, 15k SAS drives, etc.)

- How are you running your Django app? Mod_python? FastCGI?
- What web server are you using?
- What's the nature of the dynamic Django request you are measuring?
How many DB queries does it make? Is DEBUG mode off?
- What kind of numbers do you get when you serve a simple and small
HTML file statically from your Web server without Django?
- What kind of numbers do you get when the Django view you are
benchmarking goes directly to a simple template (i.e. no DB queries)?
- Are you using memcache?

-Rajesh D

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