define as /srv/ your documentroot on apache virtualhost.
change 755 permission to your /srv/abc/media dir
put a symbolic link on /srv/media --> /srv/abc/media/

rember when the navegator search on

search /media dir for /media/ location on your documentroot

William Siegrist escribió:
> bah, nevermind, I should try reading more carefully, as you're not using 
> the test server. :)
> Sorry.
> Might be a conflict with using /media/ for both admin and static files?
> -Bill
> On Jan 6, 2008, at 9:12 PM, pacman wrote:
>> Hi, I have a strange issue with my css not loading. CSS and Images
>> seem to work fine for the admin portion of the site but when I try to
>> add my own CSS it can't seem to find it.
>> my variables look as such:
>> MEDIA_ROOT = '/srv/abc/media/'
>> MEDIA_URL = ''
>> I have a CSS link in a template file that looks like so but will not
>> load:
>>     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" 
>> href="Http://
>> css/styling.css" />
>> I point my browser to the link and it seems to show the default admin
>> stuff suchas the css, js, and image files but it doesn't show the
>> stuff that I have tossed into that directory such as the styling.css.
>> my apache config looks like this:
>> <VirtualHost *:80>
>>    ServerName
>>    ServerAlias django
>>    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>    <Location />
>>        SetHandler python-program
>>        PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
>>        SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE abc.settings
>>        PythonPath "['/srv','/srv/django-0.96-current','/srv/abc'] +
>> sys.path"
>>        PythonDebug On
>>    </Location>
>>    <Location "/media/">
>>        SetHandler None
>>    </Location>
>> </VirtualHost>
>> for some reason I have to use the to get to where
>> my media content is stored rather than what I assume should be like
>> this since I set the handler to none within the
>> virtual host tag. Anyone know why I have to use the first url as
>> apposed to using the second one?
>> Does anyone know why my css is not loading correctly but the admin css
>> works fine?
>> >>
> ----
> William Siegrist
> Software Support Engineer
> Mac OS Forge
> 408 862 7337

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