Hi everyone!

> Michael Wieher wrote:
> Get rid of your installation of django and re-install it.

>To test it, go to any unrelated location in your file-system  (ie: cd /usr
>or cd /var or something, start up python and import django.)
I can import django without errors

>Also, be sure you don't have duplicate copies of python 2.4 installed on
>your system.
Just 1 copy of python (python-2.4.3-19.el5)

>Evert Rol wrote:
>You shouldn't need to add '/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/' to
>PythonPath: django is already in site-packages, and python (assuming
>that's python2.4 in /usr/bin) will automatically search there.
>You should, however, add the path to the 'ripsol' project there (or
>actually the path just above that); otherwise Python cannot pick up
>the ripsol.settings file (or any of your python files within ripsol).
>And I guess it should find something to test your setup when accessing
>the URL.
Done! and the python binary is in the correct location

>Karen Tracey:
>I know nothing of CentOS but from googling a bit it sounds like it
>is a distrib possibly based off of SELinux (security-enhanced).  Is django
>actually installed under site-packages or is it just linked there?  If it's
>only linked, and the link is to some user-owned space, then probably the
>issue is that apache doesn't have the access rights to read that space.
U can disable SElinux using system-config-security or modifying the /
etc/sysconfig/selinux file directly, after this u need to reboot :)

If u want to be sure about SElinux status run:
/usr/bin/sestatus -v

Obviusly I disabled SELinux on my system

> Graham Dumpleton wrote:
>Since mod_wsgi shares many of the same issues as mod_python, you may
>want to also read the issues documents for mod_wsgi:

>  http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/ApplicationIssues
Thanks for the link, Im reading and watching probably issues, news
coming soon ;)

On Mar 27, 6:19 pm, Floyd Arguello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Try this:
> PythonPath "['/var/www/html/ripsol'] + sys.path"
Tried but the same problem persist

I keep trying, no surrender! thanks to all your responses

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