So, I have it doing what I want now:

 class Event(models.Model):
        date = models.DateTimeField()
        description = models.TextField()

        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                models.Model.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
                self.checklist = CheckList(

        def __str__(self):

        class Admin:pass

class CheckList(models.Model):
       event = models.OneToOneField(Event)
       attended = models.BooleanField()
       was_drunk = models.BooleanField()
       silly_walk = models.BooleanField()
       naughty = models.BooleanField()
       been_seen = models.BooleanField()

       def __str__(self):
                return 'Event checklist for ' +


When I create an Event, it creates related instance of CheckList and
should share the same pk, which is currently how one-to-ones are
handled in Django.
If/when that changes I will have to either shift to managing one set
of pk's myself, or both, or adapt (potentially) to the new way, I

Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? Is this likely to blow up, or
a generally bad way of doing things? I was trying to assert that for
each instance of Event there must be a corresponding instance of
CheckList at the lowest level possible, make it part of the init of
the object in question.


On Apr 24, 8:02 pm, jrmorrisnc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, after re-reading the related_name / related_objects documentation
> I've dealt with my lack of understand on properly getting __str__
> method to return what I want, I thnk.
> And the other part, creating an instance of CheckList whenever an
> Event is created should be easy, too.
> Just wasn't looking at the first part in the right way.
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