pihentagy wrote:
Hi all!

I come to here from a little symfony background (a framework, which
try to borrow good things from django), and would like to have an
overview how django stacks up.

I would like to ask, if the admin module can be used on a production
server by registered users.
The admin module can be used by registered users, yes.
What problems can occur?
(I assume every object references a user)
The admin interface was designed for admins. As long as you keep the access limited to trusted users, very few problems (security wise)
- editing/deleting objects not belonging to user
Currently the admin interface doesn't handle row-level permissions. A user can be granted to edit articles, but not restricted to only their own. I *believe* this is a feature that will be added in newforms-admin.

How these problems are solved in django?

These problems are solved by writing your own views for your models. Its really quite easy to do. We have an in-house ticket system done in django, and I've tinkered with "person x in group y can edit these tickets", "group z can edit tickets that are assigned to a certain category", etc... We simply disabled access to the admin interface for the less-privileged users, yet they can still edit certain objects at the row-level with our custom views.

It almost sounds like you are asking if the admin interface can just be your whole site. That's a bad idea.

Good Luck!

Jeff Anderson

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