> .....MS ASP programmer who is switching over to python.
I can't decide to be happy for you or to run screaming from the taint.  But OK.
I did some ASP work for a very, very brief moment.  Unpleasant.

> ... can't... figure out how to make it all work together in a land of joy and 
> >joyness (ie Charlie the Unicorn vid)

Well.  OK.  Here's the flow.
1. User goes to your URL
2. Apache says Hey, Python, this URL matches <Location> handle it
3. Python say OK, and rocks it out.
    - takes request from apache & kicks it to Django framework
      which is really just an instantiated python class, I think?
     - Django looks at request and goes, OK url <whatever the url is>
       holy crap, that URL matches this pattern!  I hafta send this to VIEW
    - whichever View matches up is passed the request (as a python object)
    - that view does its magic happy crap
          - whatever codework goes in here, data parsing, DB requests, etc.
          - create a Context object for the template to use
          - sends  it to whatever template it needs to
   - template say OK Im a template,  I got context lets rock
          - does its template thing and wham, you got HTML
   - then right back up the chain to apache and BOOM user sees HTML

I'm totally not going to read your code dude =) but there's the idea

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