urls.py for my application looks like this:

urlpatterns = patterns('ms.masterstroy.views',
        (r'^(?P<title>[^/]+)$', 'page'),

As i want to allow site editor to edit pages in convenient way without
built-in django admin, i use request.GET parameters like "http://
localhost:8000/somepage?action=edit" and than process it in my
views.py like this:

def page(request, title):
  page = Page.objects.get(url_name=title)
  if 'action' in request.GET:
    action = request.GET['action']
    if action == 'delete':
      target_name = request.GET.get('target', '')
      target_page = get_object_or_404(Page, url_name=target_name)
      return http.HttpResponseRedirect('/')
    if action == 'edit':
      .... and so on...

A lot of people from russian django group (http://groups.google.com/
group/django-russian/browse_thread/thread/678e725e12ccca46 - russian
language) told me that it's very bad decision as im losing some
important django advantages.

What they talking about? I have no idea. I have clear and simple urls
and my urls is much closer to REST princeiples then django admin site
with all this "http://localhost:8000/admin/my_cms/page/4/delete/"; wich
is not REST at all. Btw, REST is kind of religion so you can follow it
or you can not. I just dont want to have large trees of url-patterns
in my urls.py and move all actions with my model in one view with a
couple of "if action == ...: elseif action ==..."

And i still can use url reversing in my templates like "{% url page
'pagename' %}?action=edit"

So, what is the problem?
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