This should be a simple question.  I'd like an Employee model.  First
name, last name, username, password--basically all the same stuff
that's already in django.contrib.auth.models.User.  Maybe I want some
other things like salary, too.  So, it makes sense that I should just
inherit from this class.

Hence, my file:
from django.db import models
from django.contrib import auth

class Employee(auth.models.User):
   def __str__(self):
      return "%s, %s" % (self.last_name, self.first_name)

   class Admin:

The first question is, is this a good idea?  It seems like it would be
pretty much standard practice to me, but I'm having loads of trouble
doing something like this.

In my simple example case, I can go into the Admin interface and add
an Employee (let's call him Bob).  If you go to
you'll see Bob's entry right there.

All well and good until I go to edit Bob at /admin/example/employee/1/
and what do I see?  Username admin!

Hmm...maybe Bob is at employee/2?  Nope, I get a DoesNotExist error.
Same thing at employee/0.

Where's Bob?  If I do a dumpdata, he's not in the database file
Clearly, something is wrong here.


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