On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 7:58 PM, foo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, I know this has been posted in the forums before, but for some
> reason, I'm still struggling to get my CSS stylesheet applied to my
> django templates.  I'm hoping that if I post my configuration, someone
> can point out what I'm missing.
> I have my django project at:  /opt/python/django-apps/foo/
> In my settings.py file, I have MEDIA_ROOT set to /opt/python/django-
> apps/foo/templates/media/ and MEDIA_URL set to http://localhost/media
> In my apache2.conf file, I have the following:
> # Django configuration
> LoadModule python_module modules/mod_python.so
> <Location "/admin">
>        SetHandler python-program
>        PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
>        SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE foo.settings
>        PythonDebug On
>        PythonPath "['/opt/python/django-apps/'] + sys.path"
> </Location>
> <Location "/contact">
>        SetHandler python-program
>        PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
>        SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE foo.settings
>        PythonDebug On
>        PythonPath "['/opt/python/django-apps/'] + sys.path"
> </Location>
> <Location "/media">
>        SetHandler None
> </Location>

An alias directive to tell apache where to find your media is probably
all you need. Assuming your apache's DocumentRoot is something other
than your templates dir.

<Location "/media">
       SetHandler None
Alias /media/ /opt/python/django-apps/foo/templates/media/

Also putting your media dir in your templates dir is kind of odd.
Usually it's at the top of the project directory.

Then set MEDIA_URL='/media/' you don't need 'http://localhost'.

> In my base.html file, I reference the stylesheet as <link
> rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="media/style.css"
> media="screen" />

Finally in your templates use '/media/foo' not 'media/foo', that way
it doesn't matter what location you are serving from, /media/ will

> When I point my browser at http://localhost/contact, all I get is a
> blank page... no style and no text.  The contact.html template is
> below:
> {% extends "base.html" %}
> {% block title %}
>        - Contact Us
> {% endblock %}
> {% block content %}
>        <p>some content...please show up</p>
> {% endblock %}
> I'm not sure if there not being any text is related to the CSS problem
> or not.  I haven't spent any time troubleshooting that just yet, but I
> thought I'd throw it in for good measure.
> Any help that anyone can give is greatly appreciated!

Also don't forget to set DEBUG=True in your settings.py and check your
error log for more info.


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