I'm also developing a control panel as a personal project for a shared
hosting setup.

The features I'm working on at the moment are:

DNS - frontend for myDNS
Mail - frontend for Postfix (running mysql backend)

With user management and vhost management I have hit a bit of a
stumbling block. I'm not sure what is the best/safest way to handle
root operations, creating users, changing password etc.... Possibly
this would have to be a seperate service running as root, reading
tasks from a table.

A pluggable solution would be great as everyone will have slightly
different requirements/setup.


On Aug 13, 8:09 am, "Justin Fagnani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You know, many of the components of a control panel, for both private
> servers and co-hosting, would be very useful in other applications.
> File browsers, support ticket systems, email, user and database
> management, etc. would be great to have in many situations.
> Rather than have a monolithic control panel app, it'd be great to have
> pluggable applications, where "pluggable" goes beyond the normal
> Django sense and includes conventions about the template hierarchy,
> markup structure, navigation, settings, and assets like CSS and JS.
> That way an application could be added with little-to-no modification
> of templates, CSS, etc.
> It's very similar to CMS applications like blogs, wikis, galleries or
> forums. I've been developing a CMS and business apps for a while and
> trying to develop a good set of conventions at the same time. I'd love
> to collaborate with some other Django'ers who'd like to "standardize"
> some of these concepts as a high-level layer to sit above Django. As I
> imagine it, it'd be similar to a Drupal  for Django in some ways. Of
> course, not being an official Django standard, there could be choices
> between standards that use different JS libraries, markup and template
> block  structure, and CSS conventions.
> I think, besides a CMS, a control panel would be a really good place
> to use this. I'm hoping there will be some like-minded people at
> Djangocon to discuss this with.
> -Justin
> On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 1:38 PM, Ramdas S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >http://code.google.com/p/zmaj/
> > On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 12:39 AM, mike171562 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> >> Nice, how far along is it? Will it be opensourced? Any tips on how to
> >> go about it?
> >> On Aug 12, 2:01 pm, "Juan Hernandez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > i am currently developing one... Im calling it PyISP
> >> > On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 2:18 PM, mike171562
> >> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> >> > > I was thinking of building a webhostingcontrol panel using django.
> >> > > Anybody have any thoughts on this, or heard of anyone else doing this?
> > --
> > Ramdas S
> > +91 9342 583 065
> > My Personal Blog:http://ramdas.diqtech.com
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