Using Fedora 8, Django  version 0.96.3

I'm currently trying to pull two specific images from a list of images
associated with a model.

Currently the Models are like this:

class ImageCat(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(maxlength=80)

class Image(models.Model):
        name = models.CharField(maxlength=80)
        location = models.URLField()
        height = models.IntegerField()
        width = models.IntegerField()
        image_category = models.ForeignKey('ImageCat')

class System(models.Model):
        manufacturer = models.ForeignKey('Manufacturer')
        name = models.CharField(maxlength=80)
        slug = models.SlugField(prepopulate_from=['name'])
... other stuff...
        system_pictures = models.ManyToManyField('Image')

ImageCat is just a name list, as I may need to add categories in the

Image doesn't use ImageField as I'm manually uploading the images to
another server and didn't want to deal with the extra stuff (uploading

I'm currently trying to pull 2 images of specific category types in
the template. Unfortunately, I can't quite grasp how to do this...
Or weather it would be better to pull them in the View before hand....

I'm currently passing the System fields to the template as 'info'.

I've been trying things like 'info.Image.location' but can't figure
how to specify the category.

Also tried:

{% for pic in info.Image %}
    {% ifequal pic.image_category 'Header_Pic' %}
        <img ... bla ... >
    {% endifequal %}
{% endfor %}

But that gets me nothing.

Where am I going wrong?

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