
I'm a co-worker of Nic and want to clarify some points.

We work at an institute of a major university in Switzerland. Our
institute makes a habit out of employing students for its in-house web
development. As a result, the personnel in the webdev team fluctuates
quite often. Nic and myself maintain half a dozen web applications
(between 10-50 klocs each), without having been involved in the
initial development of any of them. Because most students employed in
the past weren't CS students (I'm only the second CS major working
here...), those apps are of varying quality, and a couple of them need
to be replaced ASAP.

Two of our webapps run on Zope 2, one is a TurboGears1 app, the rest
is PHP (not using a framework of any kind). In other words: we have
quite a bit of Python experience. As far as Nic and I go, our decision
would be Django, in a heartbeat.

Problem is, we do not make the decisions 'round here, the people
making the decisions are the ones proposing Liferay. They like that
there are commercial support plans for Liferay. They like that big
players like IBM and Sun have committed themselves to the Portlet
specs (JSR-168, JSR-268). They really love Java.

Our main problem in getting our bosses convinced are those sky-high
buzzwords like SOA, SOAP, web services, SaaS, virtualization -
buzzwords that have "Java" literally oozing out of them. While both
Nic and I highly doubt that our institute will ever expose one of our
apps as a web service, our bosses seem to think otherwise.

To show our bosses just how awesome Django is, I ported one of the PHP
sites to Django (using django-page-cms, sorry Matthias, couldn't get
my head wrapped around tusk-cms ;) ) in less than two days. The
initial development of that site took two weeks of two developers
working full time. Well, let's say they were kind of impressed by the
effort, but not sold on Django. You see, "getting things done" is not
a top priority at government-funded institutes like ours...

Well, we prepared a presentation today on Django vs. Liferay,
incorporating much of Malcolms comments (thanks again, we were
overwhelmed by the depth and sheer insightfulness of your answer!).
We'll hold that presentation to our bosses tomorrow, let's see how it
goes. If anything, I have the feeling that this whole thing will
someday make a great story on "The Daily WTF" :-)

Kind Regards,
Benjamin Wohlwend

P.S.: before someone asks: we're young and we need the money ;-)
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