if I were you, I'll go in the sense of your management because using 
Liferay isn't in contradiction with using Django.

In fact, I think Liferay (and any JSR 168 container) aims at federating 
portlets (just a kind of component after all) which may be written in 
any language. Just imagine Liferay replaces Django template engine :  
all your app (business logic + views - except template) can be written 
with Django. Communications between portlets is a matter of js 
communication and permit to set up SOA architecture based on REST, 
exactly the buzz words your management likes :-)

And it's true that modern portlet container (JSR 286) like Liferay, 
jBoss... can agregate new content dynamically and allows real 
personalization by the end user in a very easy manner.

Hope that helps,


Warren a écrit :
> Having worked with both systems, I would have to agree that comparing
> them is difficult.  Like apples and oranges are both spherical fruits
> that grow on trees, Django and Liferay are both web application
> frameworks that *can* make developing web applications much easier.
> Back when I was working with Liferay, one of the clients to which we
> were advocating it found Plone and, since I had Python and a little
> Zope experience, I was asked to compare the two based on a list
> similar to Nic's.
> The essence of some of the things I told that client seems to apply
> here.
> So, here is my advice:
> If your shop has significant Python experience, use Django.
> If your shop has significant Java experience, use Liferay.
> If your shop has both, then evaluate the needs of your project against
> the strengths and weaknesses of both frameworks, including the culture
> of the communities surrounding the language platform.
> If your shop has neither, learn Python and use Django.  Its easier.
> >

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