Daniele Procida wrote:
> I'm trying to get django.contrib.auth.ldapauth.LDAPBackend - from:
> <http://code.djangoproject.com/attachment/ticket/2507/ldapauth.py>
> working with our LDAP server.
> IWe need TLS before the server will permit us to exchange a password with it.
> According to the documentation, we should be able to set LDAP_OPTIONS
> along with the other settings:
>     ``LDAP_OPTIONS`` -- hash, python-ldap global options and their values 
>                   {ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTDIR: '/etc/ldap/ca/'} 
> However, if we set any value in LDAP_OPTIONS (other than 'None' - and
> even the one in the example above) we get an error:
> Exception Value:      
>     'dict' object has no attribute 'LDAP_OPTIONS'
> Exception Location:
>     /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/contrib/auth/ldapauth.py in
> authenticate, line 113
> The full error is at: <http://dpaste.com/84838/>
> How can we set LDAP_OPTIONS to turn on TLS?

LDAP_OPTIONS should be defined in your settings.py. Paste what you have
in your settings.py for the ldap configuration, and I can help diagnose.

Jeff Anderson

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