I don't think you need to even know the root URL as Django takes care  
of this automatically. Check the mod_python documentation for details.  
mod_wsgi and FastCGI deployment methods should take care of this  


On 28.10.2008, at 8:28, yuanyun.ken wrote:

> Hi, all great Django users and developers, I have a little problem.
> To make @login_required work,
> I have to configure those in settings.py:
> root_url = '/root_url/'
> LOGIN_URL = root_url + '/login/'
> LOGOUT_URL =  root_url + '/logout/'
> But this is obviously not a good idea, as it couples with project's
> root url.
> I tried to use:
> LOGIN_URL = '/login/'
> or
> LOGIN_URL = 'login/'
> the first can not work, apache would try to access http://localhost/login/ 
> ,
> not http://localhost/root_url/login/
> the second option would not work, when access 
> http://localhost/root_url/dira/pageb 
> ,
> this would lead to access http://localhost/root_url/dira/login
> urls.py
> (r'^login/$', 'django.contrib.auth.views.login'),
> (r'^logout/$', 'django.contrib.auth.views.logout')
> The following are my configuration in apache's httpd.conf
> Alias /root_url/ D:/ws/django/myproject/
> <Location '/root_url/'>
>   SetHandler python-program
>   PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
>   SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE Regrroot_url.settings
>   PythonOption django.root /root_url
>   PythonDebug On
>   PythonPath "['D:/ws/django/myproject/'] + sys.path"
> Options ExecCGI
> Options +Indexes
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> </Location>
> Any help is appreciated, and Thanks in advance.
> >

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