> I understand the mapping of urls.py but I guess I'm not clear on a few
> things to begin with, like what is the equivalent to an index.html
> page in django? I know that the system works off of a template system
> like using "base.html" as the design skeleton for a site and extending
> that system with calls to different views, but what happens when I
> want to just request the index page for a django site? Let's say I
> register and add a subdomain to my Dreamhost account say...
> mysite.com, when I issue the startproject command as django-admin.py
> startproject mysite is there some sort of connection between the two?
> Do I scrap the Dreamhost generated directory "mysite.com" and the
> actual command I should be issuing is django-admin.py startproject
> mysite.COM? What is returned for an index page if there is no
> ndex.html or index.php?
Your site's root page is whatever is mapped to r"^$", the empty URL.

It's the same for directories. If you *want* to map something on to
.../something.html you can, but there is no need to. When a
"directory-like URL" is passed by a browser the returned result is
whatever is generated by the view the the URL is mapped to. Or a 404 if
no such mapping can be found.


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