
Thanks for the reply.

> Whilst I'm all in favour of attempting to solve problems given arbitrary
> constraints as a thought exercise, I think this one isn't really the
> best practical solution to anything.

I'm sure that's a fault of my explanation, not the design. ;o)

> You are proposing having a single addressable URL that points to vastly
> different content based on some other, transparent piece of information
> (a cookie). Why not use the URL space as it's been designed and give
> each instance its own URL? We have the domain namespace for that at the
> topmost level, as well as the full URL namespace for subdivisions at a
> different layer:,
> for example. You can do the authentication checks as an addendum to
> that, for example at the indivdual lighttpd (or other webserver of
> choice) level.
> I'll go so far as to claim that your proposed setup up breaks the web.
> Not a single request to that site will be effectively long-term
> cacheable, since they will all have to vary on cookie. And you're using
> the same resource name for an arbitrarily large number of difference
> resources. The web performance and behaviour of people using such a
> setup is actively harmed when it's so easily avoidable.

You're right in that the clandestine compacting of the url (especially
with disregard to plausible collisions) in lieu of a cookie to make
decisions about what the webserver resource location generally flies
in the face of fundamental principles of web design. However, this
choice has been carefully contemplated, though it may be reconsidered.

For edification, the project is not a public web-site, but has limited
authenticated-only access, with all transmissions encrypted. There is
a one-to-one mapping between authenticated users' account (and,
notably, a cookie of theirs) and the content they may access on the
site; i.e. user1 may have, and user2 have
link. They are mutually exclusive, and neither is ever accessible by
the public. Thus the userx/ is superfluous. As well, due to the nature
of the site, it is extraordinarily unlikely that it would be accessed
by the same web browser for different accounts. It's all rather
unconventional, I admit, but certainly not arbitrary.

As well, while there will be object caching, page caching is not the
right answer; the content is highly dynamic and it is a relatively low-
volume site, so caching is not a major concern.

All to say, I'm cognizant of the concerns expressed, and while I'd
agree with your concerns for conventional web-sites, I'm quite
confident in the defensibility of the design choices made, poorly
though I may have explained them. I'm rather certain it won't break
the web. In any event URL compaction is not relevant to the crux of
the real problem, and as you suggest below, URL compaction it's just a
mod_rewrite. Please disregard any references to URL mapping or

> If you really, really wanted to go down the one name to rule them all
> path (for example, it wins you a really large bet that you accepted by
> accident), you could use mod_rewrite to do an internal redirect to the
> individually named URLs (maybe combined with some other modules).
> I'm not going to participate much more in this, since there isn't really
> any Django content here (you mention the word Django a few times, but
> nothing is specific to Django or even uses Django in the solution you've
> proposed). I think re-evaluating your initial design would be
> beneficial, though.

Quite alright. The question at hand is where to demultiplex a user
request to their respective datesets. It can happen either in Django
or at the web-server. I believe the crux of the problem, if Django is
the demultiplexer, could be expressed (making some presumptions about
plausible solutions) as follows:

How could one have a Django installation, where (for example) one may,
based on the account of the logged-in User:

(a) Add a "prefix_" to each database table; or

(b) Change the database.

I'd be particularly interested in seeing, for example, middleware that
takes a Request's User and changes the django.conf.SETTINGS
['DATABASE_NAME'] to the database for this user's account, or
alternatively sets a prefix for all subsequent database access.

However, this middleware approach raises red flags (and I don't know
Django well enough to overcome them), viz.
* Is changing django.conf.SETTINGS thread-safe?
* Is there just an inherent danger in changing django.conf.SETTINGS --
would the DB connection be setup already?
* Is changing the DB connection part of the public API?

I'm also conscious that these could require User authentication to be
stored and accessed in a different mechanism than the accounts'
respective databases. That's easy enough thanks to the delightfully
decoupled user authentication system in Django.

I hold out hope that there is a brilliant, simple solution to this
problem via Django. However, my searches and inquiries suggest that
it's not a common problem, nor especially obvious. Failing a safe,
sensible way to change the database settings in a running Django
process (or some other intelligent way to demultiplex user requests to
their respective datasets; essentially semantic, mutually exclusive
sharding), I believe you've astutely pointed out that this isn't a
Django issue, and I should meander over to the webserver forums. I'd
prefer a Django solution to a webserver one, though, because it's the
right place to do it.

I hope that clarifies the explanation some, and makes this vein of
inquiry of some value to the body of Django knowledge. If it's not
something that's a workable Django solution, I'd be happy to have some
certitude about that, too.

Thank you, and best regards,


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