On Wed, 2008-12-03 at 19:19 -0800, ristretto.rb wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a site that we plan to localize for different countries (all
> English speaking at this point.)  Most of the templates in the site
> will localize fine as they are, but a few will need to be changed.  I
> would like to have one set of templates that is the international
> (default) set, and then only create country specific templates when
> necessary.
> Django template inheritance is excellent, and where I hope to find a
> solution.  What I need is a way for my view methods to forward to
> generic template names, like 'home.html', 'info.html', etc, which
> correspond to the default set of templates, but if any of those
> templates have been overridden with a country specific template, (and
> the user is using the site from that locale,) that country specific
> one, for example 'home_au.html', should be used.

This is one of the lesser-known features of Django and incredibly
useful. You can provide a list of template names that are to be tried in
order and the first one that is found is loaded. You can pass a list of
templates to render_to_response(), since it uses
django.template.loader.render_to_string(), which understands a list as
the first argument. Alternatively, you can use the
django.template.loader.select_loader() call directly to load the
template. You'll have to call render() on the template and put it in an
HttpResponse object yourself in that case, so normally
render_to_response() is going to be more useful. Documentation available

In your particular case, you'll arrive at the point where you're ready
to render the template and will know the language code. So pick a
consistent naming scheme and you'll be able to do something like this
(assuming 'locale' contains the locale you want to use) at the end of
your view function:

        return render_to_response(['home_%s.html' % locale,
                .... )
If the 'home_au.html' template doesn't exist (and, personally, I can't
understand any site that doesn't make the Australian version the
default!), it will load the 'home.html' version.


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