I got the same result with brianmac44's code. I also verified that the
my resize_image() works when opening the file from the local
filesystem - so I am somehow not passing the file in a manner that
Image.open likes.

On Dec 22, 4:45 am, brianmac44 <anon1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I had the same problem two weeks ago. This is what I wrote:
> def resize_photo(self,content,size):
>     img = Image.open(ContentFile(content))
>     img.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
>     io = StringIO.StringIO()
>     img.save(io, 'PNG')
>     return ContentFile(io.getvalue())
> Hope this helps.
> -Brian
> On Dec 22, 4:41 am, Merrick <merr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thank you I tried that and I still get the same error.
> > I spent a little more time looking at PIL / Image.py and cleaning up
> > the code. From what I can tell the Image.open method is having trouble
> > with what I am passing to it.
> > def resize_image(file, size=(50, 50)):
> >     from PIL import Image
> >     from cStringIO import StringIO
> >     from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
> >     image_data = StringIO(file.read())
> >     ### this line below is where the issue is ###
> >     image = Image.open(image_data)
> >     if image.mode not in ('L', 'RGB'):
> >         image = image.convert('RGB')
> >     image.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
> >     o = StringIO()
> >     image.save(o, "JPEG")
> >     return  ContentFile(o.getvalue())
> > This is how I call it:
> >             picture = pform.cleaned_data['picture']
> >             thumbnail_content = resize_image(picture)
> > Thank you for looking at this.
> > On Dec 21, 3:08 pm, "j...@zigzap.com" <jlb2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > From what I can tell your not wrapping the thumbnailfilein
> > > ContentFile your just returning the rawfilefrom the string IO.  To
> > > use the the ImageField django provides you must provide it with afile
> > > that is in a special wrapper called ContentFile.  I would suggest
> > > trying this:
> > > from django.core.files.base import ContentFile   (import this function
> > > at the top of your view or where ever you put def resize_image)
> > > change the last line of def resize_image from "return o.getvalue()" to
> > > "return ContentFile(o.getvalue())"
> > > I would also recommend changing "new_profile.picture.save(filename,
> > > thumbnail_content)" to "new_profile.picture.save(filename,
> > > thumbnail_content, save=False)" so that you are not hitting the
> > > database twice.
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