I have an admin object where I want to pass in the request.user on
save. It works fine in my normal admin class but not for the inline

(works fine here):
class RentAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    exclude = ['rented_by']
    list_display = ('renter', 'movie', 'late', 'owed', 'paid',
'due_date', 'rented_by')
    sort_by = '-due_date'
    raw_id_fields = ('renter', 'movie')

(but not here):
class rentalInline(admin.TabularInline):
    model= Rent
    extra = 3
    raw_id_fields = ('movie',)
    exclude = ['rented_by']

    def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
        if not change:
            obj.rented_by = request.user

Any help would be appreciated.
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